News ... min read All news Press Releases only Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Financial decision-making Innovation People Press release Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 5 August 2015 | Banking, Strategy ING Bank reports strong second-quarter results ING posted a strong second-quarter result. The underlying result before tax was EUR 1,601 million, up 25.3% from the second quarter of 2014, but down 3.6% on the first quarter of 2015. 4 August 2015 The FT on financing the circular economy Financing the circular economy is a key pillar of the sustainability strategy of ING. “Rethinking finance in a circular economy”, a new report from ING, looks at how growth in circular business models could affect the finance sector. 4 August 2015 “Digital, but down to earth” This is how ING’s CEO Ralph Hamers was described in this week’s ‘Monday interview' in the Financial Times. 3 August 2015 | Banking, People 10-year Anniversary ING Boat at Amsterdam Gay Pride ING’s commitment to inclusiveness and diversity was again on display on Saturday 1 August with participation in the annual Amsterdam Canal Parade. 3 August 2015 Live broadcast 2Q2015 media conference on Periscope Wednesday morning we will publish our 2Q2015 results at or shortly after 7.00 am CET. As usual we will share all our materials on and in social media via our corporate accounts on YouTube, Slideshare, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. 27 July 2015 | Banking, Sustainability ING in award finals ING Group has been nominated as a finalist in the Finance for the Future Awards 2015. 17 July 2015 | Sustainability Coal Policy now part of updated Environmental & Social Risk Framework ING has updated its Environmental and Social Risk (ESR) Framework with new policies covering coal-fired power and coal mining. 9 July 2015 | Banking, Strategy ING Best Bank in Western Europe, Belgium and Netherlands On 9 July, ING in Western Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands was named best bank at the annual Euromoney Awards for Excellence. 1 July 2015 European sharing economy to grow by a third in the next 12 months An international study of almost 15,000 consumers across 15 countries reveals the profound effect that sharing technologies could have on economies worldwide, with participation predicted to rise in the next 12 months. 1 July 2015 On the move ING is on the move. The company’s head office, that is. ING plans to move its headquarters to another site in Amsterdam Southeast in 2019, when the lease on its current building, Amsterdamse Poort, located in the same area, expires. Previous 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp