News ... min read All news Press Releases only Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Financial decision-making Innovation People Press release Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 9 September 2016 | Banking, Innovation Dutch customers to go social In the western world an average person can have up to five social media accounts and spend up to two hours a day browsing these networks. 9 September 2016 | People Esther’s road to Rio: ‘Time to find my new dream’ So near, but yet so far. The Olympic dream for ING’s own judo star, Esther Stam, ended when she lost by the smallest of margins because of a small penalty. 8 September 2016 | Sustainability ING rises in DJSI, receives top marks for climate strategy, financial inclusion ING has substantially improved our performance in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) annual review published today by RobecoSAM. 7 September 2016 ‘Our partnership is not just about Oranje’ Late last month, ING in the Netherlands extended its sponsorship of Dutch football until 2022. ING Netherlands’ Director of Communication Johan van der Zanden explains why and what ING hopes to get out of the sponsorship. 6 September 2016 | Art Your vote counts! Voting is now open for the Public Award of the ING Unseen Talent competition. So, now is the time to cast your vote for your favourite artist and art work. 6 September 2016 | Strategy, Innovation USD25 million credit facility to fuel WeLab’s Hong Kong growth WeLab, one of the fastest growing fintech companies in Greater China, has secured a credit facility of USD25 million from ING Bank. 6 September 2016 | Economics Europeans sharply divided about future prospects While more than a third (37%) of Europeans are optimistic about their future standard of living over the next five years—over a fifth (23%) are pessimistic, according to a new study conducted by ING and Motivaction. 2 September 2016 | Economics Unaffordable house prices in Europe put lives on hold Confidence in the European housing market has hit a plateau, though vast shifts in outlook can be seen across Europe– says the ING International Survey, Homes and Mortgages 2016. 2 September 2016 | Banking, Innovation ING introduces cross border Virtual Cash Management ING Wholesale Banking recently launched Virtual Cash management, an innovative solution offering large and mid-corporate companies full cash visibility, access and control - regardless of its IT infrastructure. 31 August 2016 | Strategy ING to open securities branch in Seoul ING will open a securities branch in Seoul as we invest in our international network to better serve our clients and seize growth opportunities in different regions. Previous 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp