News ... min read All news Press Releases only Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Financial decision-making Innovation People Press release Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 2 September 2014 Hello World! 30 August in Maastricht: the international Hello World! Conference on international orientation. ING was there. 2 September 2014 | Press release ING to sell 30 million shares in Voya Financial ING announced that it has today agreed to sell shares of common stock of Voya Financial, Inc. in an underwritten public offering. 26 August 2014 | Banking ING DIRECT Australia says no to ATM fees ING Direct Australia has put an end to the country’s most hated bank fee. It offers a debit card with free automated teller machine (ATM) access anywhere in Australia when AUD1,000 is deposited per month. 13 August 2014 | Sustainability Recycled office material for a movie about sustainability ING in the Netherlands launched a great video about all ING’s efforts to give children across the world a little help as they grow. 6 August 2014 | Press release Eli Leenaars to step down from ING Management Board Banking as of 1 October 2014 Eli Leenaars, member of the Management Board Banking and Head of Challengers & Growth Countries will leave ING. Eli Leenaars will step down from his position as of 1 October 2014 by mutual agreement. Any announcements on succession will be made if and when appropriate. 6 August 2014 An overview of our 2Q 2014 interviews Following the publication of our 2Q 2014 results this morning, both our CEO Ralph Hamers and our CFO Patrick Flynn spoke to various media. 6 August 2014 | People Proud colleagues celebrate diversity On Saturday, 2 August, it was finally time for the annual Amsterdam Canal Parade. ING took part in the boat parade along the Amsterdam canals, along with many other boats. 6 August 2014 | Banking, Strategy ING records strong second-quarter performance ING Group performed well in the second quarter, with an underlying net result of EUR 1,181 million that was primarily attributable to ING Bank. The improvement in the Bank’s results reflected solid income generation and a further decline in risk costs. 6 August 2014 | Press release, Financial ING records 2Q14 underlying net profit of EUR 1,181 million “The successful IPO of NN Group in early July was a pivotal moment for ING Group,” said Ralph Hamers, CEO of ING Group. 5 August 2014 Online bank ING-Diba targets business market Yesterday daily Financieele Dagblad published an article on ING DiBa, focusing on its history, recent growth and especially its Commercial Banking strategy. Previous 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp