News ... min read All news Press Releases only Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Financial decision-making Innovation People Press release Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 24 October 2017 | Banking A bank branch that feels like home ING in Belgium last week launched its first Client House, a place where, retail, business and private banking customers can walk in and enjoy a good coffee and receive personal service. 24 October 2017 | Sustainability ING recognised for leadership on climate action ING was again named to CDP’s Climate A-list of 117 companies leading on climate change action. 24 October 2017 | Press release, Banking ING expands instant lending to SMEs in France and Italy ING announced today it has started to offer online lending to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in France and Italy. The proposition fits ING’s strategy to grow its lending business to SMEs and creating a differentiating customer experience. 16 October 2017 | Banking ING wins Best Bank in the World award ING named ‘Best Bank in the World’ in Global Finance magazine’s World’s Best Global Banks Awards 2017. 13 October 2017 | Banking, Innovation, Financial decision-making No more smashing piggy banks Australia has launched ING Everyday Round Up – a digital money jar for loose change. 12 October 2017 | Sustainability From millions to billions: measuring impact on the global goals Imagine getting countries to agree on 17 goals with 169 targets for making the world a better place. Now imagine agreeing on a way to measure it all. 11 October 2017 | Economics Four things Richard Thaler taught us about irrational behaviour Lessons from Nobel Prize winner 10 October 2017 | Economics Patta: We just did it Edson Sabajo and business partner Guillaume Schmidt love hip-hop and they love sneakers. The sum of the two is the uber-cool lifestyle brand Patta. 9 October 2017 | Economics 3D printing ready for lift-off The trade flow effects of a technological revolution. 6 October 2017 | Banking, Innovation How do you like my idea? ING in Poland has launched an online tool to test business ideas. Previous 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp