News ... min read All news Press Releases only Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Financial decision-making Innovation People Press release Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 30 October 2014 | Banking Influencer of the Year title for Michał Bolesławski Recently, representatives of the Polish banking sector have awarded ING Bank Śląski Vice-President Michał Bolesławski, the Influencer of the Year title. 26 October 2014 | Press release ING comfortably passes AQR and stress test ING Bank has comfortably passed the Asset Quality Review (AQR) and stress test which were part of the Comprehensive Assessment as conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Banking Authority (EBA). The outcome reflects ING’s strong capital position and resilient balance sheet. 26 October 2014 How did ING do in the Asset Quality Review and stress test? ING Bank has comfortably passed the European Central Bank’s (ECB) asset quality review (AQR) and stress test, whose outcomes were announced Sunday 26 October 2014. 15 October 2014 | Sustainability ING recognized as world leader for corporate action on climate change For our actions to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the business risks of climate change, we have been awarded with a position on The A List: The CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014. We scored 97A, making us one of the 187 companies (out of nearly 2000 listed companies) that has been awarded an A grade for its climate performance. 9 October 2014 Wilfred Nagel reflects in ESB magazine on measures to stimulate SME-lending Both in a national and European level various measures were announced to counter financing problems Dutch SME companies are facing. ING’s Chief Risk Officer Wilfred Nagel reflects on those measures in a publication in Dutch economic magazine ESB. 1 October 2014 | Press release ING CEO Ralph Hamers to present at Bank of America Merrill Lynch conference Today, Ralph Hamers, CEO of ING Group, will address the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Annual Banking & Insurance CEO Conference in London. 1 October 2014 ING DIRECT Australia voted Best Bank by 25,000 Australians in the annual Mozo People’s Choice Awards For the fifth year running, Australia has scooped the pools at the annual Mozo People’s Choice Awards. Australia was again crowned the Best Bank and also took out awards for the Best Bank Account, Best Debit Card, Best Savings Account and top-five Home Loan. 24 September 2014 | Sustainability, Economics Microfinance the silver bullet to eradicate poverty? Microfinance has long been seen as “the silver bullet” to eradicate poverty – but it is not as simple as that, ING economists say. More in the September 2014 economic update video for eZonomics. 24 September 2014 Europeans more bullish on house prices Despite years of austerity it seems Europeans are beginning to believe a revival in the housing market is on its way. Most consumers (53%) are becoming increasingly optimistic about house prices rising, representing a six percentage point upward change on last year and 2012. 22 September 2014 | Press release ING Group included in leading banks indices ING Group will, as of today, be included in the EURO STOXX® Banks Index, with a weighting of 3.83%, and in the STOXX® Europe 600 Banks Index, with a weighting of 7.60%. Previous 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp