News ... min read All news Press Releases only Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Financial decision-making Innovation People Press release Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 7 December 2015 Industrialisation is putting the world’s water resources under huge pressure Half of the 60 largest economies face a serious risk of water shortages in the future unless climate policy changes 4 December 2015 | Sustainability ING commits to renewable electricity for all buildings worldwide ING has committed to procuring 100% renewable electricity by 2020 for all buildings in which we operate worldwide as part of the RE100 initiative. 4 December 2015 ING appoints Martin Krebs as global head of Retail Investment Product Solutions ING Group has appointed Martin Krebs as the Bank’s global head of Retail Investment Product Solutions. 3 December 2015 Negative interest rates to make savers hoard Savers would prefer to hoard cash outside of bank accounts rather than spend it, if interest rates turn negative, according to an international survey. 3 December 2015 ING wins three awards from FT’s The Banker: Best Bank in Belgium, in the Netherlands and in Poland ING has been awarded with three awards by FT’s The Banker. 2 December 2015 | Innovation Contactless mobile payments now available for Dutch customers Customers in the Netherlands can now download an app that will allow quick, easy and secure contactless payments via a smartphone. 27 November 2015 UK and Romania top international Christmas spending league With Christmas and New Year just a few weeks away, it is time to take a look at spending intentions for the festive season in ING’s Special Report on Christmas and New Year. 27 November 2015 | Sustainability ING ends new coal financing, continues to reduce coal portfolio ING has decided to end our financing of new coal-fired power plants and thermal coal mines worldwide, effective immediately. 24 November 2015 | Press release ING reports outcome of EU-wide Transparency Exercise ING Bank notes the announcements made today by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) regarding the information of the 2015 EU-wide Transparency Exercise and fulfilment of the EBA Board of Supervisors’ decision. 23 November 2015 | Innovation Ease and simplicity wins first prize A simple mobile payments system that doesn’t require complex IT support infrastructure has taken first prize in the third global ING hackathon. Previous 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp