

2 min read

What do independent experts say about sustainability and ING?

Our policies and actions are assessed by independent research and ratings providers, which give updates on them annually.


  • In Sustainalytics’ view, ING’s management of ESG material risk is ‘Strong’ – December 2023.
  • ING's ESG rating by MSCI was reconfirmed by MSCI as 'AA' in August 2024 for the fifth year.
  • ING’s shares are included in the sustainability indices of Euronext, STOXX, FTSE Russell and Morningstar.


Sustainalytics is a leading provider of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) research, ratings, and data providing analytical insights into companies' sustainability practices to institutional investors and companies. As of December 2023, in Sustainalytics’ view, ING’s management of ESG material risk is ‘Strong’. Our current ESG Risk Rating, is 18.2 (Low Risk).


ING's ESG rating was reconfirmed by MSCI as 'AA' in August 2024 for the fifth year. MSCI is an investment research firm that provides indices, portfolio risk and performance analytics to institutional investors.

ING is a 'leader' among the 190 global banks rated by MSCI. The rating underscores ING's sound corporate governance, as well as our strengths in human capital development, privacy and data security and financing environmental impact.

Sustainability Index Products

ING is regularly included in ESG and sustainability-focused indices. Here are some examples:






Note: The information above is provided for information purposes only, and no affiliation, association, sponsorship or endorsement is suggested or implied by ING to any person, entity, company or organization mentioned in this material.

ESG ratings may vary amongst the respective ratings agencies as the methodologies used to determine ratings may differ. Prospective investors must determine for themselves the relevance of any such ratings information in making an investment decision. Currently, the providers of ESG ratings are not subject to any regulatory or other similar oversight in respect of their determination and award of ESG ratings.

Nothing in the material set out or referred to above constitutes a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security, nor is intended as an offer or invitation with respect to the purchase or sale of securities. No warranty or representation, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of any information in such material. In no event will ING, nor any of its directors, employees or advisors accept any liability with regard to the ratings or the information contained in such material. ING reserves the right to terminate any link or linking program at any time.

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