
When every cent counts

31 May 2024 11:00 CET ... min read

For many people, saving money can be difficult. But for more than 1.5 million customers in Belgium, some relief is in sight with the introduction of ING Save Up.

Introduced this month, ING Save Up allows customers to round off their payment transactions to the next euro. These rounded off amounts are then automatically transferred to your or your child’s savings account.

The initiative is Belgium’s version of ING’s Everyday Round Up, which started in Poland in 2013 and had been introduced in Australia, Türkiye, Germany, Spain, Romania and the Netherlands. While Everyday Round-up has helped customers to meet their savings goals in other ING countries, the Belgian version has several unique features including being able to triple your rounded off amount, as well as linking your savings to a children’s account.

To activate ING Save Up you must be at least 18 years old. The sum of the rounded differences is calculated at 7pm each day and automatically transferred into your chosen savings account the next day.
The service is free of charge and can be activated via the app or in Home’Bank.

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