UNICEF and ING at 2015 World Economic Forum
22 January 2015
Today, UNICEF’s Yoka Brandt, deputy executive director, presented “The Investment Case for Education and Equity” report at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
The report is a call to action to increase investments in education, but also to invest more equitably and effectively. And it calls for a greater role for the private sector to engage in supporting education.
During the press conference Koos Timmermans, member of the Management Board Banking and vice-chairman of ING Bank, explained ING’s involvement to support education. He also stressed the importance of private sector engagement in education.
ING strongly believes education is a fundamental building block for the development of children and their societies. Access to education can be life-changing and help ensure opportunities for children to fulfil their potential, leading to economic growth and the development of a healthy society.
ING’s commitment in this area is aimed at the long term. We’ve been a partner of UNICEF for many years. In April, we will celebrate the 10-year anniversary of this partnership, which will then also be extended to 2018