Trophy Cabinet - Dutch banking app is the cream of the crop
WUA!, the largest online conversion benchmarking bureau in the Netherlands, recently conducted research into the quality of banking apps in the Netherlands. All researched apps worked as advertised, but it was ING’s that stood out above the rest with its customer-service component in particular, performing admirably.

Number one: Jeroen Losekoot (left), Danny Wijnand (Centre)
and Roeland Ruijssenaars (right) embrace their award
WUA!’s Klaas Kroezen said, “ING’s app was most successful at quickly and satisfactorily answering and resolving customer concerns and questions.”
Eight hundred respondents participated in WUA!’s research, resulting in each app being tested by over 200 individuals. The ING app resolved the highest percentage of client requests successfully.
The number of clients that make use of a banking-app is experiencing a bit of a growth spurt as of late, owing to the increased quality of most banking apps.
Mobile Banking Marketeer, Dimphy Rutten, told WUA! that “we’re very happy that our app was named the best in the market.”
“One of ING’s goals is to make banking as easy as possible. Customer feedback plays an important role in our pursuit of this goal. Therefore, we are proud of the appreciation our app has received,” she said.