ING again included in DJSI World Index and Europe Index
Amsterdam, 13 September 2018
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) named ING among world leaders in the industry category ‘Banks’ and again included ING in the World Index and the Europe Index of this category.

The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index tracks the performance of the top 10% per industry of the 2,500 largest companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index (BMI) that lead the field in terms of sustainability.
While the industry average score is 54, ING scores 82 out of 100. The highest score in the Banks category is 87. As of 2018, RobecoSAM updated its scoring methodology.
ING received perfect scores for climate strategy, environmental reporting, and business risks and opportunities related to environmental policies and product & services. We also improved our scores in the area of human capital development and maintained our position in financial inclusion and social reporting. The results show our efforts to contribute towards a low-carbon and self-reliant society.
As ESG ratings methodologies continue to evolve, we are working hard to meet expectations. The ever-changing methodologies from major rating agencies provide a good benchmark for this, from which we can also learn and continuously improve.
“Our sharpened sustainability direction anticipates current societal developments and expectations of our stakeholders, including ESG ratings agencies,” says ING’s global head of Sustainability Leon Wijnands.
“We know there is still work to do, and we appreciate our efforts being recognised by being included in the DJSI World Index and Europe Index.”