Ten companies selected for Oranje Handelsmissie packages
The ten companies which will enjoy additional support in their international ambitions this year have been announced. They will receive an Oranje Handelsmissie package.
The announcements were made during the evening on Friday 29 November by Camiel Eurlings (KLM), Ralph Hamers (ING), Michaël van Straalen (MKB-Nederland) and Simon Smits (Director General for Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) – the joint founders of the Oranje Handelsmissiefonds (Orange Trade Mission Fund).
The Oranje Handelsmissie package offers assistance in the form of fully-supported participation in official trade delegations, a specially customised trade mission or participation in international fairs.
Inspire and encourage
These are the first awards of Oranje Handelsmissie packages to ten medium-sized companies. The Oranje Handelsmissiefonds, whose object is to inspire and encourage medium-sized businesses to make progress in exporting, will select ten companies each year for five years. Their experience will also serve to inspire other businesses which want to enter these international markets.
The first ten companies selected are (in no particular order):
1. Inuteq
Inuteq’s products provide evaporative cooling to keep body temperatures down for long periods but without making the body damp. Inuteq already delivers in many countries but the potential is so great that any help is welcome.
2. Peeze
Peeze prepares its coffee in its own roasting house in Arnhem. Its ambition is to supply coffee to luxury hotels, store chains and restaurants in emerging markets around the world and in particular in Russia, China and Japan.
3. PathoFinder
PathoFinder’s new technology makes it possible to detect up to 25 pathogens simultaneously. The company’s distribution network sells its products to leading hospitals in Europe. PathoFinder sees opportunities in China.
4. Difrax
Products for babies and children in the 0-4 age-group. Difrax operates in over 20 countries and is now focusing on the United States and China.
5. Fleetshield
Fleetshield, based in Vianen, specialises using a range of foils for which it has exclusive rights in Europe to transform public spaces, buses, trains and office buildings. Fleetshield wants to expand into countries with large railway fleets: the Czech Republic and Ukraine.
6. StyleShoots
In collaboration with Delft University of Technology, StyleShoots has developed equipment offering a simple way of photographing clothes and adding the images, for example, to a web store. The company is looking for support in its international ambitions.
7. Spijkstaal
Spijkstaal specialises in electrical mobility and wants to expand in Europe. The company is focusing on the automotive and aerospace industries.
8. HeatMatrix Group
HeatMatrix is a technology company specialising in CO2 reduction and recovering residual heat through heat exchangers. HeatMatrix is taking its first steps in eastern Europe and Asia
9. Ojah
Ojah makes a new generation of meat alternatives. Ojah already delivers to countries in Europe. It wants to expand its horizons to the Middle East.
10. DMI
DataMining Innovations supplies modems and provides intelligent data available for gritters, snowploughs and street cleaning vehicles, etc.

What is the Oranje Handelsmissiefonds?
The Oranje Handelsmissiefonds is an initiative of ING, KLM and MKB-Nederland in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Each year, the fund offers ten businesses the opportunity to develop their international plans with an Oranje Handelsmissie package which offers fully-supported participation in official trade delegations, a specially customised trade mission or participation in international fairs. The ten winners will be monitored and their know-how, experience and stories will be shared on www.oranjehandelsmissiefonds.nl as an example for other Dutch businesses.
Read more about this initiative