Is Europe too obsessed with the ‘culture of credit’?
Find out what ING’s Ian Bright and others says about this topic in the third post of Debating Europe.
Ian Bright, senior economist at ING, responds to a question about the ‘culture of credit’ and excessive use of credit. He said that we have to think more carefully about money than we have in the past. Also, it is highly important that you understand the finances you’re dealing with.
Watch the video interviews on “Are young Europeans too reliant on credit and debt?”
The post “Are young Europeans too reliant on credit and debt?” includes responses from:
- Ian Bright, Senior economist at ING
- Rok Primozic, Chair of the European Students' Union
- Jim Murray, President of the European Foundation for Financial Inclusion, EUFFI
- Androulla Vassiliou, the EU Commissioner for Education
- Said El Khadraoui, Member of the European Parliament (Social Democrats)

What is Debating Europe?
Debating Europe is an online debate platform by Friends of Europe (a European think-tank that aims to stimulate thinking on the future of the EU), Europe’s World (an independent Europe-wide policy journal), the European Parliament, Microsoft, Gallup (a research and consultancy firm) and ING.
In 2013, the debates have been about what Europeans want from banks and whether the EU should better regulate cross-border banking. The current debate zooms in on consumers themselves and how they interact with banks and manage their personal finances.
Why does ING partner with Debating Europe?
ING is the only financial institution in Europe to partner with Debating Europe. We do so, because Europe is important in many ways to ING and to its customers and other stakeholders. Additionally, it is one of the ways for ING to reach out to citizens across Europe and learn from their views on banking now and in the future.
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Everyone in Europe and elsewhere can participate in the debate, or follow the debate themselves.