ING Industry Leader in DJSI

ING is the highest scoring company in ‘Diversified Financials’ of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices annual review for 2014.

ING scored 82 out of 100 (2013: 76). ING’s performance has resulted in its inclusion as the industry leader in the category ‘Diversified Financials’ in the DJSI World and Europe Indices, for the first time since 1999.

This assessment of our performance reflects the efforts we made on further integrating sustainability in our key activities. “This underscores that we’re making progress on our sustainability performance,” says Léon Wijnands, global head Sustainability, ING Group. “We are proud of this recognition and are motivated to keep getting better and making a positive impact on society.”

Each year, over 3,000 publicly traded companies are invited to participate in RobecoSAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment. The 2014 results were published on 11 September.

From 2015, ING will be classified within the industry category ‘Banks’ for inclusion in these indices.

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