Golden Leaf CSR Award for ING Bank Śląski
For the second time in a row, ING Bank Śląski received the Golden Leaf CSR award by POLITYKA, one of the largest opinion-forming weekly magazines in Poland. The breakdown of companies characterised by exceptional CSR activities and sustainable growth was prepared by POLITYKA, together with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) consulting firm.

The value of the Golden Leaf
The winners were based on the results of a survey developed according to the most important CSR areas: corporate governance, human rights, employee treatment, environment protection, care for the client, business fairness and social engagement. 123 companies filled in the survey, out of which 64 were awarded Golden, Silver and White Leaves. Among the Golden Leaf winners, ING Bank Śląski was the only financial institution.
Anita Buczkowska, Senior Communication Specialist at ING Bank Śląski says: “Winning the Golden CSR Leaf award proved once again that our strategic approach to sustainability is the right one. The strategic CSR approach allows us to better meet the needs of our clients, employees, vendors and local communities. We are also able to build long-lasting relationships with them, underpinned with trust and mutual benefits. That is how the CSR leaders should operate nowadays.”
Strategic CSR approach matters
The survey analysis shows that in 2013 the companies focused their CSR activities mainly on 4 out of 7 areas, that is: care for the client (98%), local community and social engagement (98%), employees (91%) and corporate ethics and governance (87%).
According to the breakdown authors, the companies which won a Golden Leaf are increasingly more serious about their contribution to shaping proper conditions for sustainable social and economic growth. Their management boards get, and increasingly so, a clear signal from investors and clients that a strategic approach to managing CSR related matters may impact development, innovation and the companies competitive advantage in the longer term.