Features ... min read Choose category: All categories Art Banking Economics Strategy Sustainability Choose time period: most recent 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010 30 October 2013 | Banking Fly Away with Flightpoints Customers of ING Bank Turkey can collect flightpoints with the ING Pegasus Plus Card. 15 October 2013 | Banking, Sustainability The Role of Private Sustainability Finance Leonie Schreve, head of ING’s Sustainable Lending, spoke at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2013. 23 September 2013 | Banking Royal Honours for Jan Hommen Jan Hommen promoted to Commander in the Order of Orange-Nassau 16 September 2013 | Banking, Sustainability ING included in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices ING Groep N.V. has been selected as an index component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices 2013. 10 September 2013 | Banking, Economics Launch of Orange Capital Enterprise Fund 10 September saw the launch of the Dutch Orange Capital Enterprise Fund – an initiative to help Dutch SMEs make better use of their growth potential. 5 September 2013 | Economics Rijksmuseum boosts Dutch economy A study on the economic value and impact of the new Rijksmuseum. ING is a major sponsor of the Rijksmuseum. 2 September 2013 | Banking Mobile phone payments: convenient, quick and secure ING is launching a new payment method: paying with your smartphone 28 August 2013 An Amsterdam Canal as Concert Hall The Prinsengracht Concert has for years brought outstanding classical music to a wide audience. 28 August 2013 | Economics International business pays Doing international business is part of the Dutch DNA. Many companies have already spread their wings, but there are still many opportunities to explore… 7 August 2013 | Banking, Strategy ING reports a solid second quarter ING Group achieved a solid result in the second quarter, driven by robust performance in all three business segments: Banking, Insurance EurAsia and Insurance ING U.S. Previous 2 1 2 3 4 Next Share Twitter LinkedIn E-mail Whatsapp