End of the road for Twyp in the Netherlands
21 November 2016
Twyp, the ING-developed app that allows users to quickly pay small amounts to contacts on their mobile, is being stopped in the Netherlands.

Twyp CEO, Mohamed de Booij said the decision to discontinue in the Netherlands was made following feedback from Dutch users that a separate app for these kinds of payments that wasn’t linked to the customer account (IBAN) had insufficient added value.
Introduced this year, Twyp will continue to operate in Spain where it is very successful with more than 300,000 users.
Mohamed said Twyp was an innovation of ING and innovation means developing successful innovations further, but also stopping with services that don’t meet customer needs.
“The Spanish market for mobile banking is different from the Dutch. Mobile banking apps in Spain have less functionality than Dutch apps,” he said.
Dutch users will have any money in their Twyp moved into their bank account on 24 November. Twyp accounts will officially close on 15 December and be blocked from that point on.
Mohamed said there were many alternatives for Dutch users with the ING Mobile Banking App having recently been expanded with a payment application that allows customers to easily pay each other.
“The ING Mobile Banking App is well appreciated by customers and there are constantly new features added to the app such as the recent payment request where customers of ING and other Dutch banks can pay via WhatsApp, SMS and email.”