Dutch businesses endorse sustainable Covid-19 recovery
More than 220 Dutch companies have pledged support to take sustainability as a cornerstone in Covid-19 recovery plans at both a national and European level.

Signees of the Green Recovery Statement ask the Dutch government to, for example, endorse the EU Green Deal as part of the EU Recovery Plan and to build a recovery plan that puts the Netherlands on track to realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Climate Agreement. Read the press release.
“This unprecedented crisis we’re facing is giving us an opportunity to make new choices,” said Ruud van Dusschoten, country manager of ING in the Netherlands.
“As we recover after Covid-19, sustainability must play a central role in order to realise the Paris climate goals and build a more resilient society. ING continues to support clients with green and social finance that creates jobs and speeds up growth, helping to ensure we build back better.”
The statement was organised by the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition. Other companies signing included AkzoNobel, Heineken, KLM, Philips and Unilever.
ING also this week published our own vision on the need to build back better (PDF, 0.1 MB). We remain committed to financing and facilitating a low-carbon and financially healthy society. That’s why we’re working to align our lending portfolio with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, which we call our Terra approach. It’s why we’re so committed to strong due diligence on social and environmental impacts, as we seek to implement the OECD Guidelines for responsible business practices. And it’s why we’re supporting our clients and governments in a social and green recovery wherever and whenever possible.