
Awards: Year-end winners across the globe

18 December 2020 ... min read

Four ING countries have featured in end-of-year awards.

ING in Australia received their fourth award this year, named the ‘Most Trusted Financial Institution’ at the Australian Banking Innovation awards. The award, won by ING for the second year running, was based on the Banking Trust Index of RFI Group using the results of a survey of 63,000 Australian consumers conducted over the last 12 months. The index measures the degree of trust customers have with their banks.

“This award is very special because it represents why we exist - to be there, by our customers’ side so they can focus on the things that matter to them,” said Melanie Evans, country manager of ING in Australia.

Private banking gongs

Meanwhile, ING in the Netherlands and ING in Luxembourg have picked up awards for best private bank. ING in the Netherlands was named ‘Best Private Bank in the Netherlands’ by global finance magazine Euromoney, newspaper The Financial Times and Dutch business platform MT/Sprout. ING was praised for its digital innovation and personal service. MT/Sprout also named ING ‘Best Bank in the Netherlands’ in the category of banking services, investments and trading. ING in Luxembourg was chosen from over 120 banks as ‘Best Private Bank’ at this year’s Global Private Banking Awards, conducted by financial magazines The Banker and Professional Wealth Management.

ING in Germany has been named 'Best Brand' in the banks category by market research institute YouGov and business newspaper Handelsblatt. The award was based on the YouGov Brand Index that used the results of more than 900,000 online interviews in Germany. ING and 24 other banks were evaluated on six criteria: general impression, quality, price-performance ratio, customer satisfaction, willingness to recommend the brand and employer image.

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