Hendrick Avercamp – The Little Ice Age – Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Hendrick Avercamp

Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum is proud to present the first exhibition devoted to Hendrick Avercamp (1585 – 1634), the foremost painter of Dutch winter landscapes in the 17th century.

Avercamp specialised in paintings of winter landscapes featuring people enjoying the ice. Some 400 years on, our image of life in the harsh winters of the Golden Age is still dominated by Avercamp’s ice scenes with their splendid narrative details of couples skating, children pelting each other with snowballs and unwary individuals falling through the ice.

In addition to 20 of his finest paintings, the exhibition features 25 of his best drawings from museums and private collections throughout the world.

ING has been the Rijksmuseum’s main sponsor since 2005. ‘Culture is a mainstay of our sponsorship policy’, says Irene Duyn, Arts & Culture programme manager at ING. ‘We find it important to open up art to a wide public, so that’s a focal point in the partnership with our cultural partners.”

Hendrick Avercamp – The Little Ice Age runs from 20 November 2009 up to 15 February 2010 in Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum. On presenting their ING account card, ING customers will receive a 50% discount on the admission fee.

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