Media relations contacts
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Journalists who want more information about ING are welcome to contact our press officers in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (CET). You can contact us by telephone or e-mail.
ING Group Media Relations
Bijlmerdreef 106
1102 CT Amsterdam Zuidoost
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 576 5000
- Contact Media Relations
- General contact information

Raymond Vermeulen
Head of Media Relations, Retail Banking Benelux, Corporate governance

Christoph Linke
Financial Communications, Risk Management, Capital Management, Retail Banking Challengers & Growth Countries

Marc Smulders
Tech, cybersecurity, Operations, analytics/AI, Retail Banking, customer value, strategy/innovation

Daan Wentholt
Sustainability, Wholesale Banking, HR
Astrid Overeem
Global PR manager Wholesale Banking