
Share information

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The authorised share capital of ING Groep N.V. (ING Group) consists of ordinary shares and cumulative preference shares. Currently, only ordinary shares are issued, while a right to acquire cumulative preference shares has been granted to Stichting Continuïteit ING (ING Continuity Foundation). Each ordinary share in the capital of ING Groep N.V. gives entitlement to cast one vote.

ING has been listed on Euronext since March 1991, following the merger between Nationale-Nederlanden and NMB Postbank Group that led to the creation of ING Group.

Stock information


18.62 0.53%


20.05 0.05%

Data delayed by 15-20 minutes

Shares outstanding

ING periodically conducts share buyback programmes under which it repurchases ordinary shares of ING Groep N.V., executed in compliance with the Market Abuse Regulation and within the limitations of the existing authority to acquire a maximum of 20% of the issued shares as granted by the general meeting of shareholders on 22 April 2024.

Shares outstanding 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025*
# of shares repurchased through share buybacks for capital purposes 127,627,800 159,865,777 275,013,025 247,584,410 18,026,522
# of shares outstanding (end of period) 3,775,764,073 3,619,144,872 3,343,622,989 3,096,274,533 3,078,342,580

*Updated as per 31 January 2025

Ordinary Shares

ING Group ordinary shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam and Brussels.

American depositary receipts (ADRs)

ADRs are listed on NYSE and administered by JP Morgan Chase. For more information on ADRs, please consult ING pages on JP Morgan Chase's website link.

Geographical distribution of ING ordinary shares*

43% United States | 17% United Kingdom | 8% France | 8% Scandinavia | 5% Germany | 1% the Netherlands | 9% rest of Europe | 4% Asia | 4% rest of the world

*Distribution based on December 2023 (includes ordinary shares represented by American depositary receipts).

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