Do you have a question? Let us know!

If you have a question for us, please submit the form below, which also provides for quick links to information on a certain topic. If you prefer, you can also send us an email with your question.
Please specify your question
In both cases it’s very important to clearly specify what information you’re looking for to help find the right person in ING to answer your question. Please allow for some response time. You might also find the answer on this site. Check out sections like about ING and our profile which includes our strategy and fast facts, or other sections like investor relations, newsroom and our job offers.
Complaints about our conduct
Despite our efforts, ING might not always meet your expectations with regards to the way we behave or the things that we do. If this happens, please go to the complaints page to find out how to let us know.
Customer related questions
This website is ING’s corporate website and is about ING group. It does not provide for answers on your bank account and related questions.
Please find the right contact via the links below: