
Supervisory, Public and Regulatory Affairs

Supervision, public policy and regulation are crucial to the banking industry. The landscape also constantly evolves, to reflect developments in the industry and society as a whole.

ING wants to actively contribute its views in this dynamic landscape. We do this by monitoring new developments from the moment they take shape and, where appropriate, engage with the public sector as they develop new policies, regulation and approaches to supervision.

ING believes supervision and regulation of the financial services sector should contribute to financial stability, foster a competitive and sustainable business environment, and enable the industry to act to the benefit of their clients and other stakeholders. By design, regulation and supervision creates constraints for businesses, which is often justified by the considerations listed above.

Concretely, we analyse changes to our regulatory and supervisory environment and assess its potential impact. We regularly engage on specific topics with policymakers – banking regulators, supervisors, public sector officials and politicians – as well as NGOs, industry- and consumer associations, think tanks, academics and other relevant stakeholders. When determining ING points of view on public policy, we weigh the interests of ING and all stakeholders involved.

Our approach to public advocacy

  • Integrity first: we align our advocacy with our own values, in addition to complying with our statutory obligations.
  • We seek to align our business and our strategy with the expectations of our stakeholders and society as a whole.
  • We align our advocacy towards policy makers with the commitments we make publicly towards all our other stakeholders. We do not change our stance depending on audience nor on whether our talking points are publicly disclosed.
  • We are transparent about our interests and objectives.
  • We keep stakeholders informed of our activities and explain the considerations underlying our points of view. For competitive and privacy considerations we may sometimes withhold certain information.


ING’s stance on specific regulatory and supervisory topics:

Registrations and memberships

ING is registered in the EU Transparency Register and adheres to the EU code of conduct for organisations engaged in EU policy-making and implementation. We adhere to nationally applicable advocacy transparency initiatives when it applies to us.

We are also member of industry and business associations in the countries where we operate.

Below is an overview of ING’s most relevant memberships:

Banking industry

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