ING Group AGM adopts 2010 Annual Accounts

09 May 2011 ... min read

ING Group AGM adopts 2010 Annual Accounts

ING Group AGM adopts 2010 Annual Accounts

9 May 2011

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ING Groep N.V. today adopted the 2010 Annual Accounts.

In addition, the AGM approved the reappointment of Koos Timmermans (Chief Risk Officer) as member of the Executive Board.

The AGM has appointed Sjoerd van Keulen, Joost Kuiper and Luc Vandewalle to the Supervisory Board. The AGM also reappointed Peter Elverding and Henk Breukink as members of the Supervisory Board. As announced on 15 March 2011, Jeroen van der Veer will act as the new chairman of the Supervisory Board, with effect from the close of the 2011 AGM. Claus Dieter Hoffmann has decided to retire from the Supervisory Board as of the end today's General Meeting.

After the AGM, the Supervisory Board of ING Group consists of:

Jeroen van der Veer, Chairman Joost Kuiper
Peter Elverding, Vice-Chairman Aman Mehta
Tineke Bahlmann Joan Spero
Henk Breukink Lodewijk de Waal
Sjoerd van Keulen Luc Vandewalle
Piet Klaver

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